Living Library of Knowledges
About This Page
Our Living Encyclopedia is part of our work in creating Living Knowledges. Here you will find community led and scientifically rooted reportings that are in constant progression as injustice is an evolving phenomena.
Living Knowledges is a realm where knowledge finds a sanctuary to flourish, evolve, and expand beyond the confines of conventional repositories. It is a dynamic space dedicated to storing and nurturing knowledge in a manner that allows it to adapt, transform, and grow with the passage of time.
This is a digital ecosystem designed to accommodate the vast array of information amassed by humanity. It goes beyond the static nature of traditional libraries and archives, embracing the concept of living ideas that continuously evolve. Thus, knowledge is envisioned as a living entity that undergoes perpetual enhancement and refinement. Every piece of information is treated as a seed, capable of germinating, branching out, and cross-pollinating with other ideas.
This Library houses all the work produced therefore you can use the filter to search for topics and formats that suit your query.
You can access a range of works, such as definitions which give a ~200 word summary of a key topic, as well as long form reports.
Some of the works listed here also feature in the Programmes so you can see related works as you go.
Who are Air?
In current conversations about air pollution, we have grown accustomed to perceiving Air as simply the absence of pollutants. However, Air is vastly more than this. We asked Dr Jake Robinson, who is a microbial ecologist to provide an understanding of Air that is more robust, spiritual, and scientific.
Environmental Data for Health Justice Working Board
The purpose of the Environmental Data for Health Justice board is to build confidence in how those seeking structural health justice outcomes through research, campaigns, and other forms of advocacy use data as a language to directly address health injustices and develop strategies for health justice.
A Declaration for Air
On 11th October 2023, 14 people, ranging from the fields of medicine, policy, law, abolition, science, data science, economics, and art gathered to declare our right to access AIR.
Ecological Health
The ecological framing of health provides an opportunity for a health justice argument. As our health is so intrinsically tied to the places we live, then it should be a human right to live without contamination and pollution.
Urban Sacrifice Zones & the Right to Pollute
The purpose of this data led study is to bring attention to everyday people those who have the right to pollute in their neighbourhoods, so that people can make more informed decisions when it comes to voting and priorities for our shared health and climate change action points.
The Mental Distress of Environmental Injustice
There is now a very clear understanding that environmental hazards, such as air pollution have a direct effect on our health. However, what is often missing from the conversation is how environmental hazards, due to being an experience of stress and trauma can lead to mental distress. In addition to the disproportionate exposure to health hazards, being aware of the injustice underlying this disproportionate exposure may be a psychosocial stressor that affects health negatively.
Gasworks, Regeneration and Communities
This article explores how “regeneration” is a word used to promote positive benefit from construction and urbanisation. It focuses on the “regeneration” of former gasworks, brownfield sites, in existing urbanised areas and the health implications with an economic led “regeneration” mantra.
The Responsibility of the Food, Drink, Tobacco Industry in Emissions
Due to the large level of grocery sales, food, drink and tobacco are the largest emitters of any retail sub-sector, being responsible for 62 per cent of all emissions.
Depression as a Brain/Body Disease and its Links to Air Pollution
Depression is often framed as a mental health problem, however, the more we understand the more we uncover its physical symptomology. Additionally, it is important to understand how environmental factors, such as air pollution are contributing to its prevalence.
Decarbonisation, Natural Gas, and Health
The move away from a reliance on a natural resource should be supported by the health and environmental benefits it will bring to people living in close proximity to industrial sites, and to our overall biodiversity regulation.
The Environmental Factors of Diabetes
We are going to use diabetes as a case study to produce three learnings. (1) Genetics are not the full story when it comes to non communicable diseases such as diabetes. (2) Understand that disease prevention and even cure is not just in the confines of medical institutions. (3) The need for geospatial studies to understand the interlink between diabetes and place.
Using Data for Health Justice
The mission of this report is to reframe the culture around data to ensure that we understand its limitations, reframe from supremacy to a tool for justice, and introduce a more accurate lexicon so we can better our collective understanding of data.
Standing Up for the Multi-Ethnic Working Class Women’s Health in the Climate Crisis Conversation
Today, 5 November 2021 COP26 will be focusing on Public Empowerment. We want to support multi-ethnic working class women in the conversation of climate justice and health equity. It is now common understanding that the climate crisis will not be affecting people equally, but little attention is given to understanding the pathways that fuel this inequity or clear strategies to rectify them. In this brief report, Centric will look at the UK to identify the demographic that is being put at most risk of poor health outcomes due to the ongoing climate crisis.
Data Culture Framework for Health Justice
Data does not operate in a vacuum as every part of the process is coloured by top down factors such as culture. Which data is collected, how it is analysed and the insights drawn from data are all decision points practitioners have to make and all practitioners belong to a specific culture which influences them.
Dear ‘Stop the Stink’ Campaign
This letter is a list of our thoughts and concerns based on our experience as neuroscientists working on public health issues. The intention is to support the “Stop The Stink” campaign, as you face different aspects of environmental injustice.
Light Pollution
The light disrupts the circadian rhythms of humans and wildlife alike as well as lowering melatonin production, which results in sleep deprivation, fatigue, headaches, stress, anxiety, and other health problems.
Air Pollution
Air pollution presents a particularly insidious hazard given that the disease affects respiratory and cardio-vascular systems (source). These two systems are sensitive to air pollution as air pollution directly damages the mechanics and as a consequence the function of lungs, heart, and the circulatory system.
Equitable Urban Mobility
This report is for those working in transport planning and in policy and who are interested in understanding the link between equitable mobility and health. This report will lay out the need for equitable solutions around transport, how health is related to mobility, and a breakdown of equitable mobility zones.
Place & Health
This report will focus primarily on the role of the built environment as a determinant of health, framing the professionals within the sector as healthcare workers because practitioners have a significant influence on the ability of citizens to build healthy relationships between health and place.
Gaslighting Communities
Environmental inequity is the systemic, avoidable, and unjust distribution of ecologically healthy environments (those that are free from pollutants, have high biodiversity, and have a healthy microbiome). It also refers to land being unjustly stolen, polluted, or damaged. In this essay, we will be detailing the pathways of oppression, including the role that science, policy, and city organisers play.