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Article Josh Artus Article Josh Artus

Responding to the UK Government’s Consultation on the NPPF

The government published a consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework on 30 July 2024. It included questions and proposed changes on a number of topics, which have implications for people’s health and wellbeing. This paper sets out Centric Lab’s responses to questions and policy changes and how they influence health.

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Article Josh Artus Article Josh Artus

Dear ‘Stop the Stink’ Campaign

This letter is a list of our thoughts and concerns based on our experience as neuroscientists working on public health issues. The intention is to support the “Stop The Stink” campaign, as you face different aspects of environmental injustice.

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Article Josh Artus Article Josh Artus

Reciprocity, not Sustainability

Capitalism is finally acknowledging that it has reached a limit to its extraction methods, it can no longer keep taking from nature without consequence. In response, capitalism is employing more sustainable practices with sustainability or green technology at the top of most corporate agendas, however this is not going to be enough. Especially, if we are to reach meaningful planetary health goals that can also have a positive impact on human health. 

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Article Josh Artus Article Josh Artus

Obesity, Classism and Racism

The latest health campaign adverts from the NHS look perfectly helpful at first glance. They depict an overweight Black woman eating a salad to promote healthier eating habits, especially in the wake of COVID. However, when we look deeper there are three things wrong with this and more insidiously these three factors point to the prevalence of structural racism within the health system.

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