An introduction to Health Justice and Healing
A co-learning programme for health practitioners
A political education co-learning programme designed to develop health practitioners’ analysis and praxis of health justice. Key topics within the programme include, but are not limited to, Indigeneity, disability justice, colonialism, and environmental justice.
Key Details
We are experiencing complex and multiple poor health outcomes due to the deliberate and innumerable crises created by extractive economic systems. These crises create more crises as well as amplify current ones. For example, Gaza was already experiencing drought and multiple other ecological challenges due to planetary dysregulation and contamination spearheaded by Israeli occupation(source). Now, the Peoples of Gaza have to content with ecocide alongside their genocide, which is creating a transgenerational polycrisis. Simultaneously, the Peoples of Gaza now have to confront these deliberate and multiple crises with an ever debilitating infrastructure, including the death of doctors, engineers, scientists, liberators, and so on. This left us with the following questions;
How does the polycrisis affect human health outcomes?
Do we have the knowledges, tools, and cognitive ability to comprehend the phenomena we are facing? Or do we need to build new knowledge pathways
Can justice education for healthcare workers help us create health practices that function within the current context?
“It feels like I have so much more language to describe things. It has informed my politics and campaigning further and pushed me to think about alternative healing infrastructures more often. It has radically influenced my teaching. Personally, the course has given me the space to slow down and to imagine when maybe I was very busy with doing - this has been really helpful. I’ve seen the power of gentleness and care in spaces like these first-hand and continue to take this forward in my life/practice.”
- Programme participant