Right to Pollute Policies and their Epistemological Roots

November 2023

This project brought together people with knowledges across a variety of policy, organisig in healthcare and the criminal justice system, as well as environmental and climate justice


They participated in a 90 minute Imagination Lab, which was set up as a "call and response", meaning that they would listen to a specific academic excerpt and then relay back their comments. This created a structured but collaborative discussion.

The learnings from the Imagination Lab have now been used to shape and structure a self-learning tool about epistemologies. 


This project is for those advocating for environmental and health justice both at a professional and community level.

You can follow the instructions and use it as a self learning tool or do it with a group. 

Go to the Interactive Miro

Thank you for reading this report please note that we are a non-profit grant and citizen supported lab, we use our funding to create free scientific reports, which provide foundational knowledge about health, health inequities, and health justice. We prioritise the hiring of scientists and researchers from marginalised communities to ensure that the lived experience is covered in an ethical, inclusive, and accurate manner. 

Our goal is to be an open lab that is “for the people by the people” and your support helps make that happen.


Guppi Bola

Organiser and educator for social justice movements & co-founder of Decolonising Economics

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Daniel Akinola-Odusola

Neuroscientist & Data Ethics

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Dr. Patrick Williams

Head of Research at Systemic Justice

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Charlotte Kemp

Neuroscientist and Community Facilitator


Charise Johnson

Science policy professional and advocate for just and equitable public policies.

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Araceli Camargo

Neuroscientist & Health Activist

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Grace Carson

Yavapai/Chiricahua Apache | Skadden Fellow at Tribal Law and Policy Inst. | Passionate about abolition, decolonization

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Dear “Stop The Stink” Campaign


Towards Obesity Health Justice