Planetary Dysregulation, Capitalism, & Healthcare
Feb 2023
Before reading this report please note that we are a non-profit grant and citizen supported lab, we use our funding to create free scientific reports, which provide foundational knowledge about health, health inequities, and health justice. We prioritise the hiring of scientists and researchers from marginalised communities to ensure that the lived experience is covered in an ethical, inclusive, and accurate manner.
Our goal is to be an open lab that is “for the people by the people” and your support helps make that happen.
Welcome to our first audio series
The intention of this audio project is to discuss the links between systems and imaginations rooted in supremacy, the dysregulation of planetary systems, and the poor health outcomes being experienced by peoples who are racialised and minoritised. We also aim to dismantle the individualised health narrative propagated by western medicine as it has been used to blame people for their poor health, which helps propagate health injustice. As we go through the audio story we will be using certain linguistic baselines
*Nature and all living beings are referred to in a plural form as we are all ecosystems. We are all plural.
**The use of the letter “s” at the end of words such as knowledges is to signify that Indigeneity is not a monolith and holds multiple cultures, thoughts, and knowledges. It also is inclusive of non-human knowledges.

there are real parallels in the way that humans extract from the planet and create borders and control to police populations in service of profit, and the way that humans extract what they need from the bodies of people, and create borders between our bodies, and control us in service of profit.
As Nim Ralph, trans climate justice activist and organiser writes
Listen below or download directly as podcasts from Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, and other established sources.
Episode 1
In this episode, Araceli Camargo will be providing a working definition of health, breaking down the factors of planetary dysregulation and the physiological links to health.
“Healing replenishes, nourishes, and repairs our entire beingness”
Episode 2
In this episode, Guppi Bola will be covering the epistemologies of supremacy and how they are used to imagine policies, understandings of health, and economies. This will be followed by Rhiannon who will be discussing the individualised perspective of health - where it comes from and who it serves.
“there are real parallels in the way that humans extract from the planet and create borders and control to police populations in service of profit, and the way that humans extract what they need from the bodies of people, and create borders between our bodies, and control us in service of profit”
- Nim Ralph
Episode 3
This episode will open with Dr. Rhiannon Mihranian who will be discussing how the system of capitalism affects our health systems. The section will end with Araceli describing how the individualisation of health narrative erases both Indigenous and non-human Kin healing knowledges
“Access to our Land or “Land Back” is not rooted in the same imagination of the settler - which is to acquire access to land for the purposes of power and capital accumulation - rather than to be in relation or Kinship for the purposes of mutualistically symbiotic healing”
Episode 4
Josh Artus will open up with highlighting how “Right To Pollute” policies contribute to Planetary Dysregulation. This section will end with Dr. Rhiannon Mihranian tracing the link between the practices of extractivism and health outcomes.
“Ruth Wilson-Gilmore describes the body as a kind of place, a time-space place. A place like a home, a community, a region, a nation state, and the global capitalist system, which of course all intertwine and constellate with each other in relation constantly. In her work on organised violence and organised abandonment she describes the theft of time in the name of extractivism”