Our Living Encyclopedia is part of our work in creating Living Knowledges. Here you will find community led and scientifically rooted reportings that are in constant progression as injustice is an evolving phenomena. 

Living Knowledges is a realm where knowledge finds a sanctuary to flourish, evolve, and expand beyond the confines of conventional repositories. It is a dynamic space dedicated to storing and nurturing knowledge in a manner that allows it to adapt, transform, and grow with the passage of time.

This is a digital ecosystem designed to accommodate the vast array of information amassed by humanity. It goes beyond the static nature of traditional libraries and archives, embracing the concept of living ideas that continuously evolve. Thus, knowledge is envisioned as a living entity that undergoes perpetual enhancement and refinement. Every piece of information is treated as a seed, capable of germinating, branching out, and cross-pollinating with other ideas.

How the Living Encyclopedia works

The Living Encyclopedia is colour coded to help guide people to the right type of content. Here’s a quick guide to what each category means.


a short form essay-like piece of work


a data led exploration into a topic


a declaration made by a group of People


short form copy detailing a specific phenomema


a special event to ideate on a specific topic


a shareable output from research


a spoken word conversation and reporting


a long form piece of work

Report Josh Artus Report Josh Artus

People, Cities, Nature, and Healing

A report on the role nature plays in cities and the varying pathways to health and healing. It centres non-western epistemologies as guiding tools for a better, more symbiotic living with Nature.

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Report Josh Artus Report Josh Artus

Towards Obesity Health Justice

This work aims to demonstrate the harm of the dominant, individualised, narrative of obesity. We present an alternative understanding that views obesity through a neuro-epidemiological, environmental and sociopolitical lens. This serves as an avenue for people who are experiencing obesity to understand their disease and explore potential methods of self-care, self-advocacy and safeguarding.

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Definition Josh Artus Definition Josh Artus

Reframing Trauma

Trauma also creates systemic biological and cellular changes. For example, it can change our gut bacteria environment, which has implications for obesity. In cases of acute trauma, some can experience PTSD, which creates neurobiological abnormalities which alters the function of various biological systems, this too has implications for obesity.

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Definition Josh Artus Definition Josh Artus

Reframing Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder, which prevents the body’s ability to regulate glucose, it can turn into a lifelong condition, when it is not caught early or left untreated.

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Definition Josh Artus Definition Josh Artus

Reframing Obesity

Obesity is a dysregulated production of adipose tissue commonly known as fat throughout the body. It is considered a complex and chronic disease, which means there are multiple factors that contribute to its aestology.

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