Our Living Encyclopedia is part of our work in creating Living Knowledges. Here you will find community led and scientifically rooted reportings that are in constant progression as injustice is an evolving phenomena. 

Living Knowledges is a realm where knowledge finds a sanctuary to flourish, evolve, and expand beyond the confines of conventional repositories. It is a dynamic space dedicated to storing and nurturing knowledge in a manner that allows it to adapt, transform, and grow with the passage of time.

This is a digital ecosystem designed to accommodate the vast array of information amassed by humanity. It goes beyond the static nature of traditional libraries and archives, embracing the concept of living ideas that continuously evolve. Thus, knowledge is envisioned as a living entity that undergoes perpetual enhancement and refinement. Every piece of information is treated as a seed, capable of germinating, branching out, and cross-pollinating with other ideas.

How the Living Encyclopedia works

The Living Encyclopedia is colour coded to help guide people to the right type of content. Here’s a quick guide to what each category means.


a short form essay-like piece of work


a data led exploration into a topic


a declaration made by a group of People


short form copy detailing a specific phenomema


a special event to ideate on a specific topic


a shareable output from research


a spoken word conversation and reporting


a long form piece of work

Workboard Josh Artus Workboard Josh Artus

Environmental Data for Health Justice Working Board

The purpose of the Environmental Data for Health Justice board is to build confidence in how those seeking structural health justice outcomes through research, campaigns, and other forms of advocacy use data as a language to directly address health injustices and develop strategies for health justice.

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Report Josh Artus Report Josh Artus

Using Data for Health Justice

The mission of this report is to reframe the culture around data to ensure that we understand its limitations, reframe from supremacy to a tool for justice, and introduce a more accurate lexicon so we can better our collective understanding of data.

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Definition Josh Artus Definition Josh Artus

Community Sovereignty

Community Sovereignty is an umbrella term that brings together methods of practice for organisations and scientific researchers to establish equitable engagement with communities.

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Data Study Josh Artus Data Study Josh Artus

Standing Up for the Multi-Ethnic Working Class Women’s Health in the Climate Crisis Conversation

Today, 5 November 2021 COP26 will be focusing on Public Empowerment. We want to support multi-ethnic working class women in the conversation of climate justice and health equity. It is now common understanding that the climate crisis will not be affecting people equally, but little attention is given to understanding the pathways that fuel this inequity or clear strategies to rectify them. In this brief report, Centric will look at the UK to identify the demographic that is being put at most risk of poor health outcomes due to the ongoing climate crisis.

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Report Josh Artus Report Josh Artus

Data Culture Framework for Health Justice

Data does not operate in a vacuum as every part of the process is coloured by top down factors such as culture. Which data is collected, how it is analysed and the insights drawn from data are all decision points practitioners have to make and all practitioners belong to a specific culture which influences them.

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Report Josh Artus Report Josh Artus

Place & Health

This report will focus primarily on the role of the built environment as a determinant of health, framing the professionals within the sector as healthcare workers because practitioners have a significant influence on the ability of citizens to build healthy relationships between health and place.

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