Quantum Waste


Quantum Waste collect waste and process it locally in an environmentally and socially responsible way.

Quantum Waste is a vertically integrated waste management company run by scientists, engineers and climate change investment experts.

Local Quantum Waste depots are able to run one-stop, non-stop waste processing operations. Their system minimises transportation time and costs, enables more flexible and efficient waste collections while keeping a low carbon footprint and high recycling rates. Quantum Waste’s system eliminates the need for expensive upfront investment in complex large-scale plants and creates local employment for people who need it.

For the environment Quantum Waste offers;

  • Lighter vehicles and local treatment equals less fuel and lower carbon emissions.

  • Simplified collections and better sorting means more recycling.

  • We do not use compacting trucks. Glass and packaging is not crushed enabling higher recycling rates.

  • We divert food waste from incineration/landfill preserving valuable nutrients for biogas and fertilizer.

  • Our carbon footprint is the industry’s lowest.

They’re working to eradicate the waste created through the traditional development of large-scale waste management projects that involve consultants, surveyors, solicitors, process engineers, lawyers, administrators and bankers all of whom add on the cost of waste management before any waste treatment has even started. 


Energy Garden