Our Community Health Impact Assessment
Centric Lab & Clean Air for Southall & Hayes are sharing their CHIA.
It is the result of our collaboration and is being shared to support and inspire others.
“Our experience has been that the trickle-down nature of turning NGO guidance into local government policy has resulted in vested interests influencing the approach and outcomes of such guidance.
This can be evidenced by poor health outcomes resulting in the people of Southall from the overt levels of brownfield development sites.
The current HIA methodology fails to recognise the susceptibility of communities like ours who have experienced chronic and disproportionate exposure to physiological and psychological stressors from the places where we live and work and our histories as marginalised and racialised people.
Had health science informed systems been in place it would have noted the high risk to stress related health on the people of Southall, namely the emitting of carcinogenic chemicals from contaminated land at the former gasworks site
This Community Informed Health Impact Assessment has been designed, reviewed, and consented by us for use by others like us. It is intended to ensure that all considerations towards people’s health is taken when reviewing potential impacts as a result of construction or a new development. It has been designed in good faith to allow for effective, intentional, and important dialogues happen between communities like ours and those looking to make changes in our neighbourhoods.”
Members of Clean Air for Southall & Hayes campaigning in their local area.