Three Naturally Occurring GHG Emissions to Know
Human activity, especially at scale, has not just produced particulates that harm us. In the case of three major greenhouse gases (GHGs), large-scale human activity has also disturbed the balance of naturally occurring gases to the point that global warming takes place because the ecosystem is not able to adapt. Understanding the basic dynamics of these three GHGs, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), is useful for restorative campaigns and health justice.
The Responsibility of the Food, Drink, Tobacco Industry in Emissions
Due to the large level of grocery sales, food, drink and tobacco are the largest emitters of any retail sub-sector, being responsible for 62 per cent of all emissions.
Decarbonisation, Natural Gas, and Health
What is rarely spoken in the conversation of natural gas are the chemical emissions from UK based processing plants. The move away from a reliance on a natural resource should be supported by the health and environmental benefits it will bring to people living in close proximity to industrial sites, and to our overall biodiversity regulation.