Biological Inequity Index - East of England
KEY - Dark Orange = high levels of Biological Inequity from a total possible value of 20.
About this data
This data was made with support of CGG
The data is as MSOA regional level.
This data is not intended to be used for any medical advice.
Please read the following literature to support thinking on using the Index:
Place & Health | PTSD, Deprived Environments, and Climate Change | Using Data for Health Justice | Environmental Factors of Diabetes
Working Definition of Biological Inequity
Biological inequity, also known as biological inequality, refers to “systematic, unfair, and avoidable stress-related biological differences which increase risk of disease, observed between social groups of a population”.[1][2][3][4] The term developed by Centric Lab aims to unify societal factors with the biological underpinnings of health inequities – the unfair and avoidable differences in health status and risks between social groups of a population - such that these inequalities can be investigated in a holistic manner.
Biological inequity increases the risk of disease and poor health outcomes for a social group through;
disproportionate exposure to the cause(s) of the disease brought about by direct exposure to physical and/or psychosocial stressors, or
greater adverse effects of the cause(s) of a disease brought about from accumulated stress-related biological differences i.e. higher levels of allostatic load.